The Many Combinatorial Legacies of Richard P. Stanley
Enhancement and Partnership Program
Venue: Harvard University
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Enhancement and Partnership Program
Venue: Harvard University
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This conference is part of a recurring series which brings together the world’s leading experts on the theory of regulators and their connections to the stud of algebraic cycles and motives, as well as their applications to physics and other branches of mathematics. In particular, the conference will report on the progress in the subject since the previous conference which was held in Paris in 2016.
CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
Image: Fausta Samaritani, Wikimedia Commons
Venue: University of Pisa
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This conference will bring together leading experts in the fields of spectral and scattering theory and hyperbolic differential equations. It will gather top international researchers from these areas to exchange new results and ideas and to introduce junior researchers to a range of cutting-edge mathematics and provide a comprehensive review of recent progress. It will also bring together experts in different fields who may not otherwise have an opportunity to talk with each other, resulting in new collaborations and ideas. An underlying motif of the conference is microlocal analysis, as many, but not all, talks will feature applications of this theory. The conference also is an opportunity to celebrate Maciej Zworski’s contributions to these areas.
CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
Venue: Université Paris-Saclay
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BrAG is an established series of meetings of British algebraic geometers. The organisers’ goal is to further strengthen the British algebraic geometry community, integrating postgraduate students and young researchers. The meetings feature activities aimed at early career researchers such as pre-talks, poster sessions and career development sessions, and include plenty of time for informal interactions between the participants.
CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
Venue: University of Sheffield
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The regional meeting on 2 April will consists of three talks, by Jonathan Bennett (Birmingham), Oana Ivanovici (Sorbonne) and Christopher D. Sogge (Johns Hopkins). The lectures are aimed at a general mathematical audience.
The aim of the workshop (3-5 April) on ‘Harmonic Analysis on manifolds’ is to bring together experts in harmonic and mi- crolocal analysis as well as PDEs, number theory and dynamics, to discuss recent developments and progress on open problems in the field.
CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
Venue: Loughborough University
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The conference brings together experts from related fields, such as Riemannian geometry, dynamical systems, algebraic geometry, symplectic geometry, PDEs and mathematical physics, exchanging ideas and sharing methods of study of different problems in integrable systems, applying these ideas and methods in their respective research projects. Synergy effect is expected, and indeed, was demonstrated in earlier editions of the conference.
Venue: CIMAT, Guanajuato, Mexico
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The Pan Asian Number Theory Conference (PANT) was initiated by Professor John Coates and a group of established number theorists who were either based in Asia or of Asian origin. The goal of the conference is to showcase exciting recent developments in number theory and related subjects, especially those occurring in the greater Asian regions or featuring works by mathematicians of Asian descent. It also aims to provide a platform for Asian number theorists to interact and collaborate with each other, especially those of the younger generation. PANT had been an annual week-long conference whose venue rotated among several countries.
Previous PANT Conferences have been held in Korea (2009, 2014), Japan (2010, 2021), China (2011, 2015, 2023), India (2012), Vietnam (2013), Taiwan (2016), Singapore (2018).
CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
Venue: Vietnam Institute of Advanced Study in Mathematics
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Held biennially since 1969, the British Combinatorial Conference (BCC) is the foremost UK conference on combinatorics and its applications.
Nine principal speakers will give survey talks covering a diverse range of topics in combinatorics and six mini-symposia, comprised of four speakers each, will cover significant recent advances in: additive combinatorics, algebraic combinatorics, combinatorial geometry, combinatorial optimization, extremal combinatorics, and probabilistic combinatorics.
CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
Venue: Queen Mary University London
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This is the fourth instalment of the THGT conference series. As its predecessors, the conference takes place in Bielefeld in spring, and as before it welcomes researchers studying groups through their interactions with topology and homology, as well as people interested in entering the subject.
CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
Venue: Bielefeld University
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The International Colloquium (IC) is the flagship conference of the School of Mathematics at TIFR Mumbai, organized once every four years.
The theme for IC 2024 is probability, geometric group theory and dynamics. Recent years have seen spectacular progress in these areas. Much of this progress has taken place at their interface, and connections between these fields have thrived. The IC 2024 will bring together experts from these research areas and cover topics including probability, hyperbolic geometry, geometric group theory, holomorphic dynamics, and homogeneous dynamics.
CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
Venue: IISER Pune
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The aim of this conference is to foster the development of new theoretical mathematical tools and methods of analysis, numerics, and applications in the field of nonlinear nonlocal aggregation-diffusion and kinetic equations within the broad area of PDEs.
CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
Venue: CIRM, Luminy
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In many areas of dynamics and geometry, the ideas of renormalization and self-similarity play a crucial role. These ideas involve rescaling dynamical or geometric phenomenon to observe behaviors at multiple scales. This conference will focus on the following problems:
CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
Venue: CIRM, Luminy