Nonlinear Dispersive and Wave Equations: Recent Developments and Future Directions
In the past two decades the field of dispersive and wave equations has witnessed a remarkable amount ofd. successful research that has been underlined by the use of tools for a broad spectrum of analytic areas: harmonic and Fourier analysis, hyperbolic theory, microlocal analysis, differential geometry, probability, analytic number theory and dynamical systems.
The conference will focus on a number of different areas, including well-posedness for critical and supercritical Schrödinger and wave equations, blow up, profile decomposition, soliton resolution conjecture, invariance of Gibbs measures and well-posedness of dispersive equations with random data, Strichartz estimates and related results in harmonic analysis, energy transfer and derivation of wave kinetic equations.
CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
Venue: Monash University