Symposium on Theoretical Computer Science
Enhancement and Partnership Program
Venue: MIT
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Enhancement and Partnership Program
Venue: MIT
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To reflect the interdisciplinary character of the conference the organizers are planning to focus on a number of different areas of partial differential equations where harmonic analysis techniques are often used, with emphasis on recent developments in non-linear dispersive PDE, inverse problems, elliptic homogenization, and boundary value problems with minimal regularity. More precisely, this conference will emphasize the following research areas: global well-posedness and blow up for mass and energy critical Schrödinger and wave equations, blow up, profile decomposition, soliton resolution conjecture, unique continuation properties, Calderón problem with partial data, anisotropioc inverse problems, uniform boundary regularity estimates for elliptic operators with periodic coefficients.
CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
Venue: University of Chicago
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This is a meeting on Algebraic Geometry, covering a broad spectrum of topics and emphasizing those which concern bundles on algebraic varieties and link Algebraic Geometry to Topology or Mathematical Physics.
CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
Venue: Freie Universität Berlin
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Holomorphic dynamics is, and has been since the early 1980s an active area of research. The rich connections between this and other areas of math- ematics such as complex analysis in one and several variables, topology, algebraic geometry, probability and ergodic theory, number theory, physics, Kleinian groups, Teichmu ̈ller the- ory, hyperbolic and complex geometry, etc., makes its study challenging but at the same time very attractive. Holomorphic dynamics has had the privilege of having several Fields medalists among those working on the subject, including John Milnor, Bill Thurston, Curtis McMullen, and Jean-Christophe Yoccoz. This satellite conference to the International Congress will help ensure that the field of Holomorphic Dynamics remains in the interna- tional eye, and encourage younger researchers to become more deeply involved in this vibrant and active field.
CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
Venue: Gyeongju, Korea
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CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
Venue: University of Buenos Aires
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The ICGTPM series is traditionally dedicated to the application of symmetry and group theoretical methods in physics, chemistry and mathematics. Over the years, it has broadened to include applications in life sciences and other areas.
CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
Venue: University of Ghent
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A Number Theory Conference honoring Jeff Hoffstein on the occasion of his 61st birthday will be held at Perrotis College in the American Farm School (AFS), Thessaloniki, July 14 – 18, 2014. The conference aims to enable exchange of ideas and information among workers on Dirichlet series and automorphic forms, areas to which Jeff Hoffstein has made fundamental contributions. The structure of the conference will consist of research lectures, discussion and problem sessions.
CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
Venue: Perrotis College, Thessaloniki, Greece
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The 26th International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (FPSAC 2014) will take place in Chicago, Illinois. Topics include all aspects of combinatorics and their relations with other parts of mathematics, physics, computer science, and biology. The conference will include invited lectures, contributed presentations, poster sessions, and software demonstrations. There will be no parallel sessions.
CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
Venue: DePaul University
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11.00: Kim Plofker (Brown University, USA)
Mathematical and observational methods in medieval Indian astronomy
11.40: Joseph Dauben (City University, New York, USA)
Ancient Chinese mathematics: the Nine Chapters on the Art of Mathematics — an appraisal of the text, its editions, and its translations
12.20: Glen Van Brummelen (Quest University, Canada)
Where Zijes went: the travels of astronomical tables in medieval Islam
14.00: Kim Plofker (Brown University, USA)
India at the mathematical crossroads: the pre-modern world’s mathematical sciences and their Indian influences
15.00: Joseph Dauben (City University, New York, USA)
The evolution of mathematics in Ancient China: from newly discovered bamboo texts to the ‘Nine Chapters’
16.00: Tea
16.30: Glen Van Brummelen (Quest University, Canada):
Our forgotten forbears: the mathematical sciences in medieval Islam
17.30: Reception (open to all)
CMI Enhancement and Parternship Program
Venue: University of Oxford
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CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
Venue: IHES
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For decades, meetings in the Strings series have been focal points of the field, with experts from around the world presenting new work and reviewing recent developments. Strings 2014 will follow in this tradition, aiming for a unified presentation of the many strands of modern string theory.
CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
Venue: Princeton University and the Institute for Advanced Study
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CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
Venue: MIT