Manifolds, K-theory and Related Topics
CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
Venue: Inter University Centre, Dubrovnik, Croatia
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CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
Venue: Inter University Centre, Dubrovnik, Croatia
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Recently, it has become clear that there is much that can be learned from increased interactions between people working on integrability from a probabilistic perspective, those working from a more algebraic perspective, and those working from a mathematical physics perspective. It particular, it seems that there exist many connections between the theories of Macdonald processes, double affine Hecke algebras, and the algebraic / coordinate Bethe ansatz which are not understood.
The purpose of this workshop is to bring these three groups together with the aim of sharing methods, fostering collaborations and ultimately understanding these connections.
CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
Venue: Institut Henri Poincaré
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The conference will address recent developments in the representation theory of reductive Lie groups and algebraic groups over finite and local fields, as well as connections of this theory with other subjects, such as number theory, automorphic forms, algebraic geometry and combinatorics.
CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
Venue: MIT
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This conference will be held in honor of the lifelong work of Wen-Ching Winnie Li, on the occasion of her birthday.
The organizers aim to bring together top experts along with junior researchers and graduate students in the active fields of number theory and automorphic forms.
Distinguished speakers include Abel prize winners Jean-Pierre Serre and John Tate.
From the synergy of a gathering of researchers with related interests but complimentary knowledge and skills, we expect advances in research programs for the participants, dissemination of important current work by experts to a broad audience, and professional development for junior researchers and graduate students.
CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
Venue: Louisiana State University
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The BMC is the largest annual Pure Mathematics conference in the UK, and BMC 2014 will be its 66th instalment.
CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
Venue: Queen Mary, University of London
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Since their introduction just two years ago, perfectoid spaces have played a crucial role in a number of striking advances in arithmetic algebraic geometry: the proof of Deligne’s weight-monodromy conjecture for complete intersections in toric varieties; the development of p-adic Hodge theory for rigid analytic spaces; a p-adic analogue of Riemann’s classification of abelian varieties over the complex numbers; and the construction of Galois representations for torsion classes in the cohomology of many locally symmetric spaces (for instance arithmetic hyperbolic 3-manifolds). We will start the week with an exposition of the foundations of the theory of perfectoid spaces, with the aim of teaching novices to work with them. Then we will discuss their current and potential applications.
CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
Venue: MSRI
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This symposium, celebrating Ada Lovelace’s 200th birthday on 10 December 2015, is aimed at a broad audience of those interested in the history and culture of mathematics and computer science, presenting current scholarship on Lovelace’s life and work, and linking her ideas to contemporary thinking about mathematics, computing and artificial intelligence. Other activities include a workshop for early career researchers and a Music and Machines event.
Speakers: Valerie Barr (Union College), June Barrow-Green (Open University), Drummond Bone (Oxford), Elizabeth Bruton (Museum of the History of Science, Oxford), Muffy Calder (Glasgow), Suw Charman-Anderson (founder, Ada Lovelace Day), Imogen Forbes-Macphail (Berkeley), Vicki Hanson (Rochester Institute of Technology), Chris Hollings (Oxford), Richard Holmes (British Academy), Adrian Johnstone (Royal Holloway), Julia Markus (Hofstra), Ursula Martin (Oxford), Sydney Pauda (author, The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage), Murray Pittock (Glasgow), Cheryl E. Praeger (Western Australia), Soren Riis (Queen Mary London), Stephanie Shirley, Bernard Sufrin (Oxford), Doron Swade, Betty Toole (author, Ada, the Enchantress of Numbers), Moshe Verdi (Rice), Mike Wooldridge (Oxford), Alex Wolf (Imperial)
CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
Venue: University of Oxford
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This conference will focus on the most striking recent results related to the geometry of p-adic or positive characteristic algebraic varieties, an active area where there have been several breakthroughs in the past few years.
CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
Venue: IHES
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The International Congress of Mathematical Physics (ICMP), on its three year cycle, is the most important conference of the International Association of Mathematical Physics. The ICMP 2015 will be a major event, where new results and future challenges will be discussed, illustrating the richness and vitality of Mathematical Physics.
CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
Venue: Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Santiago de Chile
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Geometric analysis is an exciting branch of mathematics which has been developing rapidly over the past first year. This conference is being held in honour of Rick Schoen, who has been a towering and influential leader in these developments. Many of the world’s experts in the field will be speaking at this event.
Image by Rwendland, via Wikimedia Commons
CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
Venue: University of Warwick
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Since Zariski organised a meeting in 1953 at which Serre’s work on coherent sheaves was introducted to American alebraic geometry, there has been a major algebraic geometry meeting every decade. These meetings have had a profound influence on the subject, providing a natural point to summarize a decade of progress and new developments, and an opportunity to lay out new programs and ideas for the next decade.
Plenary lecturers: Tom Bridgeland (Sheffield), Serge Cantat (Rennes), Simon Donaldson (Imperial and Stony Brook), Hélène Esnault (FU Berlin), Mark Gross (Cambridge), Christopher Hacon (Utah), Mark Kisin (Harvard), Maxim Kontsevich (IHES), Jacob Lurie (Harvard), James McKernan(UC San Diego), Bao Châo Ngô (Chicago), Andrei Okounkov (Columbia), Rahul Pandharipande (ETH Zürich), Peter Scholze (Bonn), Claire Voisin (École Polytechnique), Shou-Wu Zhang (Princeton)
CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
Venue: University of Utah
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A conference on the occasion of the retirement of Alex Wilkie.
CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
Venue: University of Manchester