Advances in Representation Theory
Date: 3 - 13 June 2025
Location: Northeastern University
Event type: Conference
Organisers: Pablo Boixeda Alvarez (Northeastern), Pavel Etingof (MIT), Iva Halacheva (Northeastern), Ivan Loseu (Yale), Valerio Toledo Laredo (Northeastern)
The focus of the first week of this conference/ school, June 3-7, will be on Categorification and Symplectic duality and will showcase the participants’ work through a series of lectures on the state of the art of the field, provide an introduction to the area for graduate students and postdocs, as well as create new connections and initiate collaborations through identifying open problems. The second week, June 9-13, will concentrate on the Langlands program and will feature 3 or 4 minicourses, each with three 1-hour talks, 8 invited 1-hour talks, and about 4 contributed 45-min talks. Both weeks will emphasize lectures by junior mathematicians.
CMI Enhancement and Partneship Program
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