AIMS Conference on Quadratic Differentials
Date: 4 - 8 January 2017
Location: African Institute for Mathematical Sciences
Event type: Workshop
Organisers: Jayadev Athreya (Illinois), Steve Bradlow (Illinois), Barry Green (AIMS)
Holomorphic differentials on Riemann surfaces have long held a distinguished place in several areas of low dimensional geometry, dynamics and representation theory. More recently they have emerged in intriguing ways in the study of billiards in polygons, special (so-called Hitchin) components of representation varieties, stability conditions on Fukaya-type categories, spectral networks, and asymptotic properties of Higgs bundle moduli spaces. This workshop will bring together a small number of experts at the forefront of these diverse areas to explore common themes and in particular to investigate the use of techniques that could potentially cross disciplinary boundaries.
CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
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