Discrete Subgroups of Lie Groups: Dynamics, Actions, Rigidity
Date: 7 - 18 July 2025
Location: IHES
Event type: Research School
Organisers: David Fisher (Rice), Fanny Kassel (IHES), Half Spatzier (Michigan), Matthew Stover (Temple)
Rigidity properties of geometric and dynamical structures under either symmetry or extremality assumptions, e.g., on curvature or entropy, have been of great interest in both geometry and dynamics for some time. The goal typically is to force such structures to be of classical, often algebraic nature. These ideas and results build on the celebrated works of Mostow, Prasad, Margulis and Zimmer. At the heart lies the discovery that the Mostow–Margulis type rigidity results for discrete subgroups of semisimple Lie groups have far-reaching counterparts in geometry and dynamics.
This school will highlight remarkable progress on several important problems broadly centered around the study of discrete subgroups of Lie groups. Activities will be centered around lecture series and problem sessions by established experts known both for their strong contributions to the field and for the high quality of their mathematical exposition.
CMI Enhancement and Partnership program
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