Enumerative Geometry, Physics and Representation Theory
Date: 5 - 16 July 2021
Location: Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques (IHÉS)
Event type: Research School
Organisers: Andrei Negut (MIT), Francesco Sala (Pisa), Olivier Schiffmann (CNRS, Paris-Saclay)
The main theme of this summer school is enumerative geometry with particular emphasis on connections with mathematical physics and representation theory. Lecturers will focus on some of the main ideas and themes in the field, including Gromov-Witten theory and the study of moduli spaces of curves, Donaldson-Thomas/Pandharipande-Thomas theory and the study of moduli spaces of sheaves on threefolds, and the mathematical study of Coulomb and Higgs branches of quantum field theories (particularly with a representaiton theoretic flavor). The school will also cover subjects that have only recently been connected to enumerative geometry, such as the representation theory of quivers, cohomological/K-theoretic Hall algebras and categorified link invariants.
Image: Wikimedia Commons
CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
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