Methods for Random Matrix Theory and Applications
Date: 16 - 20 May 2022
Location: University of Reading
Event type: Research School
Organisers: Igor Krasovsky (Imperial) and Jani Virtanen (Reading)
Random matrix theory (RMT) is a crossroad of modern mathematics. It brings together and provides a platform for fusing the ideas of such diverse areas as the theory of special functions, orthogonal polynomials, complex analysis, operator theory, representation of affine algebras and quantum group, enumerative topology, combinatorics, number theory, exactly solvable quantum models, quantum chaos, and string theory. Simultaneously, RMT plays an increasingly important role in many applied sciences and technologies.
This research school will consist of three lecture courses covering:
Operator theoretic methods and their applications
Lecturer: Estelle Basor (AIM)
Integrable systems with random initial data
Lecturer: Tamara Grava (Bristol and SISSA)
Panlevé equations and random matrix theory
Lecturer: Alexander Its (Indiana)
The lecture courses will be supplemented by tutorial sessions and guest lectures by Haaken Hedenmalm (KTH), Gyorgy Geher (Riverlane) and Clay Lecturer Jon Keating (Oxford).
CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
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