Summer Research Institute in Algebraic Geometry
Date: 14 July - 1 August 2025
Location: Colorado State University
Event type: Research School
Organisers: Renzo Cavavieri (CSU), Gavril Fracas (Humboldt), Angela Gibney (Penn), Christopher Hacon (Utah), Andrei Okounkov (Columbia), Bjorn Poonen (MIT), Karen Smith (Michigan), Chenyang Xu (Princeton)
One of the most important events in algebraic geometry over the last decades has been the Summer Research Institute (SRI) in algebraic geometry, held every 10 years. These large, three-week-long meetings with wide international participation from all major research directions in algebraic geometry provide an ideal setting to communicate recent progress and take stock of the breakthroughs in algebraic geometry. The participants include a majority of the top experts in algebraic geometry (from all areas and countries) as well as mid-career mathematicians, postdocs, and advanced graduate students. These meetings also provide a perfect opportunity for close research interactions and new connections between different areas as well as the training of the next generation of researchers in algebraic geometry.
CMI Enhancement and Partnership program
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