Summer School in Rational Homotopy Theory and its Interactions
Date: 10 - 20 July 2016
Location: Université Internationale de Rabat, Morocco
Event type: Research School
Organisers: My Ismail Mamouni (CRMEF) and Antonio Viruel (Malaga)
This research school is aimed at graduate students and young researchers in Geometry, Topology and Mathematical Physics, although undergraduates and senior researchers in other areas may profit of the introductory lectures too, and are warmly invited to join the School.
The main goal is to provide participants with a solid background in Algebraic Topology, and more specifically in Rational Homotopy Theory. This will be used as the starting point and common framework for the presentation of current research topics including operads, string topology, applied topology, and algebraic geometry.
The organizers have planned 30 hours of courses, 14 hours of exercises or/and discussion sessions, and 6x20mn-communications. The first and introductory course on the subject will be taught in French, while the other courses will be taught in English.
Image: Wikimedia Commons
CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
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