Women in Commutative Algebra II
Date: 16 - 20 October 2023
Location: CIRM, Trento, Italy
Event type: Workshop
Organisers: Sara Faridi (Dalhousie), Elisa Gorla (Neuchâtel), Martina Juhnke-Kubitzke (Osnabrück), Haydee Lindo (Harvey Mudd), Alexandra Seceleanu (Nebraska-Lincoln)
Commutative algebra is a branch of algebra with deep roots in number theory and algebraic geometry and with exciting connections to algebraic geometry, number theory, topology and combinatorics. In recent years commutative algebra has thrived: four different decades-old conjectures in commutative algebra were resolved, opening up new avenues for investigation and making a collaborative workshop particularly timely.
The major objectives of the workshop are to advance commutative algebra through cutting-edge research; promote the research of women in commutative algebra; facilitate collaborative interaction between junior and senior mathematicians and provide mentoring for early career mathematicians; cultivate a research network among women commutative algebraists; advance the academic careers of women algebraists through research publications and professional connections.
CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
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