Women in Numbers Europe 3
Date: 26 - 30 August 2019
Location: La Hublais Center, Rennes
Event type: Workshop
Organisers: Sorina Ionica (Picardie Jules Verne), Holly Krieger (Cambridge), Elisa Lorenzo Garcia (Rennes 1)
The aim of this workshop is to allow young women doing research in numbers theory — graduate students, post docs, junior faculty — to initiate collaborations with confirmed researchers in the area. Addiitonally, senior faculy will have the orpportuynity to enlarge or strengthen their research network and gain new mentorship opportunities. A broad spectrum of topics in algebraic and analytic number theory and arithmetic geometry will be covered, including abelian varieties, K3 surfaces, Teichmüller curves, L-functions, modular curves, and arithmetic dynamics.
CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
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