Maggie Miller
Maggie Miller obtained her PhD in 2020 from Princeton University, where she was advised by David Gabai. She is currently an NSF Postdoctoral Fellow at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Miller has advanced the understanding of manifolds in dimensions 3 and 4 with her power and creativity, wielding a wide range of techniques — algebraic, combinatorial, geometric and topological. She has developed a theory of singular fibrations in 4-manifolds and used it to make significant progress on a 35 year old problem of Casson and Gordon: for a large class of fibered ribbon knots, she proves that the associated fibration of the 3-sphere extends over the closed complement of the ribbon disc in the 4-ball.
Her abundance of insight has made Miller a sought-after collaborator, working with a variety of co-authors to advance different aspects of low-dimensional topology: topological versus smooth isotopy for genus-1 surfaces in the 4-ball; taut foliations in 3-manifolds; concordance; trisections of 4-manifolds; diffeomorphisms of non-orientable 3-manifolds; and the use of knot Floer homology to give lower bounds on the bridge index of knots.
Maggie was appointed as a Clay Research Fellow for a term of four years beginning 1 July 2021.