Ehud Hrushovski was appointed as a Clay Senior Scholar from January to May, 2014, to participate in Model Theory, Arithmetic Geometry and Number Theory at MSRI.
Nigel Hitchin was appointed as a Clay Senior Scholar during September 2005 to participate in Mathematical Aspects of String Theory at the Kavli Institute.
Haruzo Hida was appointed as a Clay Senior Scholar from September to December, 2010, to participate in the Hida Theory Lecture Series at the University of Kyoto/RIMS.
Robert Griffiths was appointed as a Clay Senior Scholar from July to December, 2013, to participate in Biodiversity and Evolution at the University of Montreal.
Tim Gowers was appointed as a Clay Senior Scholar from October to Novermber, 2008, ton participate in Ergodic Theory and Additive Combinatorics at MSRI.
Henri Gillet was appointed as a Clay Senior Scholar from September to December, 2008, to participate in Arithmetic Geometry, Hyperbolic Geometry and Related Topics at the Fields Institute.
Albert Fathi has been appointed as a Clay Senior Scholar from August to December 2018 to participate in Hamiltonian Systems, from Topology to Applications through Analysis at MSRI.