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Michael Wheeler (Melbourne)

An invitation of the q-Whittaker polynomials, talk 1

28 July 2020

Fabio Toninelli (TU Vienna)

(2+1)-dimensional growth models and the AKPZ universality class, talk 2

28 July 2020

Greta Panova (USC)

Algebraic combinatorics basics

28 July 2020

Fabio Toninelli (TU Vienna)

(2+1)-dimensional growth models and the AKPZ universality class, talk 1

27 July 2020

Hugo Duminil-Copin (IHÉS)

On the free energy of the six-vertex model, talk 1

27 July 2020

Yan Fyodorov (KCL)

On eigenvector statistics in non-normal random matrices

24 July 2020

Jinho Baik (Michigan)

Relaxation time limit of periodic TASEP

24 July 2020

Alan Hammond (Berkeley)

KPZ universality via Brownian Gibbs analysis

17 July 2020

Alisa Knizel (Columbia)

Invariant measure for the open KPZ equation

10 July 2020

Evgeni Dimitrov (Columbia)

Two-point convergence of the stochastic six-vertex model to the Airy process

10 July 2020

Tomohiro Sasamoto (Tokyo IT)

Spin current statistics for the quantum 1D XX spin chain and the Bessel kernel

03 July 2020

Jeremy Quastel (Toronto)

From TASEP to the KPZ fixed point and KP

03 July 2020

Christopher Skinner (Princeton)

The work of Wei Zhang

02 October 2019

Benedict Gross (UCSD)

On the conjectures of Gan, Gross, and Prasad

02 October 2019

Alex Lubotzky (HUJ)

First order rigidity of high-rank arithmetic groups

02 October 2019