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Photo of Martin Bridson
17 September 2018

President of CMI

Professor Martin R Bridson FRS has been appointed President of the Clay Mathematics Institute from October 1, 2018.  He is the Whitehead Professor of Pure Mathematics at the University of Oxford and a Fellow of Magdalen College.  Until earlier this summer, he was Head of the Mathematical Institute at Oxford. He studied mathematics as an […]

01 August 2018

Fields Medals

Congratulations to former Clay Research Fellows Peter Scholze (pictured) and Akshay Venkatesh on the award of Fields Medals at the 2018 ICM in Rio de Janeiro. Scholze took up his fellowship in 2012, on completing his PhD under the supervision of Michael Rapoport at the Universität Bonn. He was awarded a Fields Medal  “for transforming arithmetic algebraic geometry over p-adic […]

Photo of Andrew Wiles
01 May 2018

Andrew Wiles Appointed Regius Professor of Mathematics at Oxford

The Queen has approved the appointment of Professor Sir Andrew Wiles as the inaugural holder of the Regius Professorship of Mathematics at the University of Oxford.  The Chair was created in 2016 as part of the celebrations of Queen Elizabeth’s 90th birthday.  Professor Wiles has been a member of CMI’s Scientific Advisory Board since CMI’s foundation in 1998. There […]

10 April 2018

Ada Lovelace

The book “Ada Lovelace: the Making of a Computer Scientist”  by Christopher Hollings,  Ursula Martin, and Adrian Rice  will be published soon by Bodleian Libraries in the UK and distributed by the University of Chicago Press in the USA.  It is a product of a joint project between CMI and the Bodleian Library at the University of Oxford. From the Publishers’ […]

01 March 2018

Poincaré Chair

The Director of the Henri Poincaré Instiute (IHP) has announced two new appointments to the Poincaré Chair: • Paul Bourgade, Associate Professor at New York University (Courant Institute). Bourgade works on probability theory, random matrices, statistical physics, and stochastic analysis. • Joel Kamnitzer, Professor at University of Toronto (Department of Mathematics). Kamnitzer works on representation theory, […]

28 February 2018

2018 Clay Research Fellows

The Clay Mathematics Institute is pleased to announce that Aleksandr Logunov and Will Sawin have been awarded Clay Research Fellowships. Aleksandr Logunov gained his PhD in 2015 under the supervision of Viktor Havin at the Chebyshev Laboratory, St Petersburg State University. After two years as a postdoctoral fellow at Tel-Aviv University, he moved last year to the Institute for […]

24 January 2018

CMI at 20

The Clay Mathematics Institute will celebrate the 20th anniversary of its foundation with a conference  in the Andrew Willes Building at Oxford, from 24 to 26 Sepetmber 2018.  The conference will celebrate CMI’s contributions to the international mathematical community over the past 20 years and highlight the outstanding work of some of the mathematicians whose research it […]

21 November 2017

Wolfson Merit Award

Research Fellow James Maynard has been appointed Research Professor at the Mathematical Institute of the University of Oxford and receives a Wolfson Merit Award from the Royal Society.  The Wolfson Merit Award is a prestigious award intended to attract or retain respected scientists of outstanding achievement and potential.  James will take up his professorship upon […]

23 August 2017

LMS Whitehead Prize

Former Clay Research Fellow Jack Thorne has been awarded a Whitehead Prize by the London Mathematical Society in recongnition of his contributions to number theory, and in particular to the Langlands program.

22 August 2017

Landon T Clay 1926 – 2017

Landon Clay died peacefully at home in Peterborough, NH on July 29, surrounded by his wife and four sons.  His passing will be mourned by all who benefited from his vision and his generosity. Obituary

15 July 2017

Maryam Mirzakhani

It is with great sadness that we heard of the death earlier today of Maryam Mirzakhani.  Maryam was appointed to a Clay Research Fellowship in 2004 and was given a Clay Research Award in 2014 for her many and significant contributions to geometry and ergodic theory. The thoughts of the whole mathematical community will be […]

16 June 2017

ICM 2018

Congratulations to Clay Research Fellows June Huh, James Maynard, John Pardon, Jack Thorne, and Miguel Walsh who have been invited to speak at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Rio de Janeiro in 2018.  Congratulations also to former Research Fellow Peter Scholze, CMI Scientific Advisory Board members Simon Donaldson and Andrei Okounkov, and Clay Research Awardees Rahul Pandharipande and […]