Andrew Wiles has been awarded the Copley Medal, the Royal Society’s oldest and most prestigious award. The medal is awarded annually for outstanding achievements in research in any branch of science and alternates between the physical and biological sciences. Andrew Wiles is one of the world’s foremost mathematicians. His proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem the 1990s catapulted […]
Clay Research Fellow John Pardon has been recognised by the National Science Foundation (NSF) with the Alan T. Waterman Award. Bestowed annually, the Waterman Award recognises outstanding researchers age 35 and under in NSF-supported fields of science and engineering.
The Clay Mathematics Institute is pleased to announce that Peter Hintz and Akhil Mathew have been awarded Clay Research Fellowships. Peter Hintz studies hyperbolic partial differential equations arising in general relativity using methods from microlocal analysis, spectral and scattering theory, and dynamical systems. He obtained his PhD at Stanford in 2015, advised by András Vasy. Akhil Mathew’s research focuses […]
Simion Filip has been awarded the Dynamical Systems Prize for Young Mathematicians by the Center for Dynamics and Geometry at Penn State University.
The second PROMYS Europe summer school opened in Oxford on July 16. It runs until August 20. For many years, CMI has supported PROMYS, the summer school founded by Glenn Stevens at Boston University. Each summer this brings together high school mathematicians from across America and beyond for six weeks of intense mathematical activity. Selection […]
The Clay Mathematics Institute announces two 2016 Clay Research Awards. The joint Award to Mark Gross and Bernd Siebert is made in recognition of their groundbreaking contributions to the understanding of mirror symmetry, in joint work generally known as the ‘Gross-Siebert Program’. It has its origins in surprising predictions of non-perturbative dualities in string theory: that the […]
The Bodleian Library at Oxford holds on deposit a remarkable archive of papers of Lord Byron and his daughter, Ada Lovelace, who is celebrated for her pioneering work on programming Charles Babbage’s Analytical Engine. To mark her 200th birthday on 10 December 2015, the Clay Mathematics Institute announced a project to digitise her mathematical papers in the archive, which includes both sides of her […]
Simion Filip and Tony Yue Yu (pictured) have been awarded Clay Research Fellowships. Simion and Tony were selected for their research achievements and their potential to become leaders in research mathematics. Each has been appointed for a term of five years.
Research Fellow Peter Scholze has won the Fermat Prize 2015 for his invention of perfectoid spaces and their application to fundamental problems in algebraic geometry and in the theory of automorphic forms.
At the Clay Research Conference in Oxford on 30 September, Landon Clay presented one of the 2014 Clay Research Awards to Maryam Mirzakhani, following her lecture on Counting mapping class group orbits on hyperbolic surfaces. The award recognised ‘her many and significant contributions to geometry and ergodic theory, in particular to the proof of an analogue of Ratner’s theorem on […]
Research Fellow Peter Scholze has been awarded the 2015 Ostrowski Prize for his breakthrough work in arithmetic algebraic geometry. He developed the theory of perfectoid spaces and successfully applied the theory to address a number of difficult open questions. He proved Deligne’s weight monodromy conjecture for varieties that are nonsingular complete intersections in projective space; this […]
The Clay Mathematics Institute has launched PROMYS Europe in collaboration with Wadham College and the Mathematical Institute at the University of Oxford. PROMYS Europe is an extension of the very successful 26-year-old PROMYS program created by Glenn Stevens at Boston University. It is a challenging summer school designed to encourage very able and mathematically ambitious secondary school students to explore the creative world of mathematics. Carefully […]