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04 March 2014

Poincaré Chair

Denis Auroux, Professor at the University of California, Berkeley, and Ivan Corwin, Clay Research Fellow and Associate Professor at Columbia University, have been appointed to the Poincaré Chair for the academic year 2014/15.   The Clay Mathematics Institute and the Institut Henri Poincaré (IHP, Paris) established the Poincaré Chair for mathematicians in the early stages of their career. Those named to […]

04 March 2014

2014 Clay Research Fellows

The Clay Mathematics Institute is pleased to announce that June Huh, Miguel Walsh (pictured) and Alex Wright have been appointed Clay Research Fellows.

Ivan Corwin photo
12 February 2014

Rollo Davidson Prize

Clay Research Fellow Ivan Corwin has been awarded the prestigious Rollo Davidson Prize in Probability for 2014. This award recognizes Ivan’s outstanding achievements in the area of stochastic growth processes and their relation to integrable systems.

16 December 2013

ICM 2014

Former Clay Research Fellows Manjul Bhargava, Alexei Borodin, Ben Green, and Maryam Mirzakhani (pictured) have been named as plenaray speakers at the ICM in 2014, as have two Clay Research Awardees, Jonathan Pila (2011) and Ian Algol (2009). Two current Clay Research Fellows, Ivan Corwin and Peter Scholze, are also to speak at the ICM, as are Jeremy Kahn and […]

14 November 2013

SASTRA Ramanujan Prize

CMI Research Fellow Peter Scholze has been awarded the SASTRA Ramanujan Prize 2013. This annual prize was established in 2005 by SASTRA University is for very young mathematicians for outstanding contributions to areas influenced by Ramanujan. There is an article by Krishnaswami Alladi about the prize and about Peter Scholze’s work in the European Mathematical Society […]

23 May 2013

2013 Clay Research Award

CMI announces that the 2013 Clay Research Award has been made to Rahul Pandharipande (ETH, Zürich) for his recent outstanding work in enumerative geometry, specifically for his proof in a large class of cases of the MNOP conjecture that he formulated with Maulik, Okounkov, and Nekrasov. The conjecture relates two methods of counting curves in […]

15 August 2012

New Advisory Board Member

Andrei Okounkov has joined the CMI’s Scientific Advisory Board in succession to Gregory Margulis. Professor Okounkov is the Samuel Eilenberg Professor of Mathematics at Columbia University. He works on representation theory and its applications to algebraic geometry, mathematical physics, probability theory and special functions. He was awarded a Fields medal in 2006 for his ‘contributions […]