Poincaré Chair
Date: 01 March 2018

The Director of the Henri Poincaré Instiute (IHP) has announced two new appointments to the Poincaré Chair:
• Paul Bourgade, Associate Professor at New York University (Courant Institute). Bourgade works on probability theory, random matrices, statistical physics, and stochastic analysis.
• Joel Kamnitzer, Professor at University of Toronto (Department of Mathematics). Kamnitzer works on representation theory, algebraic geometry, combinatorial representation theory, knot homology, and categorification.
The Clay Mathematics Institute and IHP established the Poincaré Chair for mathematicians in the early stages of their career. Those named to the chair hold their position at the Institut Henri Poincaré for a term of six months to one year. The Chair is financed for a period of five years with the Clay Millennium Prize funds for resolution of the Poincaré conjecture. The conjecture was solved in the affirmative by Grigoriy Perelman, for which he was awarded the Millennium Prize in 2010. Dr. Perelman subsequently declined to accept the prize money. In establishing this chair with IHP, CMI aims to provide an exceptional opportunity for mathematicians of great promise to develop their ideas and pursue their research, just as Grigoriy Perelman was afforded such an opportunity by a fellowship at the Miller Institute in 1993-95.