Lovelace-De Morgan Correspondence

AAL to ADM | ADM to AAL |
Folios 48, 49, 164, 163, 165, 13 Sept 1840 Dissatisfied with progress; seeks clarification of meaning of ‘equation of a curve’ and ‘functional equation’ Transcription, 49v-48r, 48v-49r, 163r-164v, 165r Folios 146–148, 16 Nov 1840 Differential coefficients; manipulation of functions; a little trigonometry Transcription, 147v-146r, 146v-147r, 148r, 148v Folios 149–151, 27 Nov 1840 Functional equations Transcription, 150v-149r, 149v-150r, 151r, 151v Folios 62–67, 10 Nov 1840 Difficulties over the meaning of differentials; fractional expressions; proofs of the binomial theorem; comments on the necessarily slow and painstaking nature of learning mathematics, with a remark on how the ‘University’ method must be prejudicial to understanding in the long run; is puzzling over composition of ratios Transcription, 63v-62r, 62v-63r, 65v-64r, 64v-65r, 67v-66r, 66v-67r Folios 68–69, 17 Dec 1840 Remarks on how the poor weather is keeping her indoors doing mathematics; persists on a point of convergence that was apparently discussed earlier in the week (Monday evening) Transcription, 69v-68r, 68v-69r Folios 70–73, 22 Dec 1840 Now sees her mistake regarding a series previously discussed; learns from, and no longer regrets, such mistakes; seeks clarification over incommensurables and ratio Transcription, 71v-70r, 70v-71r, 73v-72r, 72v-73r Folios 74–76, 4 Jan 1841 More-or-less direct continuation of the previous: series and ratio Transcription, 75v-74r, 74v-75r, 76r, 76v Folios 77–83, 10 Jan 1841 Series; differential coefficients Transcription, 78v-77r, 77v-78r, 80v-79r, 79v-80r, 82v-81r, 81v-82r, 83r, 83v Folios 91–95, Jan 1841 Details of proof of binomial theorem; more series, inc. exponential and logarithmic; Christmas plans Transcription, 92v-91r, 91v-92r, 94v-93r, 93v-94r, 95r Folios 84–87, 17 Jan 1841 Limits of series of fractions; remaining difficulties over differential coefficients, which she feels she ought to have got to grips with by now Transcription, 85v-84r, 84v-85r, 86r, 86v-87r Folio 156, Jan 1841 Rearrangement of meeting Transcription, 156r, 156v Folio 88, 22 Jan 1841 Nothing mathematical: arrangement to call round on Monday evening, without Lord Lovelace Transcription, 88r, 88v Folios 54-57, Feb 1841 Seeks clarification of various issues: functions of two variables, logarithms (Napierian in particular) Transcription, 55v-54r, 54v-55r, 57v-56r, 56v-57r Folios 89–90, 3 Feb 1841 More on limits of fractions Transcription, 90v-89r, 89v-90r Folios 96–98, 6 Feb 1841 Was too hasty in sending letter of Weds, for now understands the matter at hand (on fractions); resolves to rein in her tendency towards metaphysical musing Transcription, 97v-96r, 96v-97r, 98r, 98v Folios 100–103, 19 Feb 1841 Differential coefficients; brief question about logarithms Transcription, 101v-100r, 100v-101r, 102r, 102v-103r Folios 104–105, 22 Feb 1841 Problems over the coefficients of a particular series Transcription, 105v-104r, 104v-105r Folios 58–60, Mar/Apr 1841 No mathematical content; hopes to see the De Morgans before going to Paris; has a bundle of papers for ADM; recounts recent social life (inc. trips to the opera) Transcription, 59v-58r, 59r, 60r, 60v Folios 50–52, May/Jun 1841 No mathematical content: bemoans the fact that she hasn’t had much time for mathematics, asks to see ADM Transcription, 51v-50r, 50v-51r, 52r Folios 159–160, Jun 1841 Annoyance that ADM was turned away by footman; arrangements for meeting Transcription, 160v-159r, 159v-160r Folios 161–162, Jun 1841 Follows on from previous; arrangements for meeting Transcription, 161r, 161v-162r Folios 106–107, 4 Jul 1841 Follows on from previous; arrangements for meeting Transcription, 107v-106r, 106v-107r Folios 108–109, 6 Jul 1841 Many very specific queries about the calculation of various integrals in the textbook, including the pointing out of possible misprints Transcription, 109v-108r, 108v-109r Folios 110–111, 6 Jul 1841 Continuation of 108–109, with brief mention also of the dynamics in 106–107 Transcription, 110r, 110v-111r Folios 152–153, Jul 1841 Derivatives: primitive and derived functions; definite vs. indefinite integrals Transcription, 152r, 152v-153r Folios 112–114, 11 Jul 1841 Continuation of the last two letters on integration; mention also of the mechanics problem; query over differentials – that dV/dx does not represent a division Transcription, 113v-112r, 112v-113r, 114r Folios 115–118, 15 Aug 1841 Queries over the solution of particular integrals; logarithms of negative quantities; differential coefficients; accelerating force as an application of the calculus Transcription, 116v-115r, 115v-116r, 117r, 117v-118r Folio 119, 16 Aug 1841 Sends proof of result which she has carried out in a opposite manner to that in the book; more on accelerating force Transcription, 119r, 119v Folio 166, 20 Aug 1841 Developments of integrals; accelerating force Transcription, 166r Folios 121–122, 21 Aug 1841 Same integral as in preceding letters; manipulation of differentials; more on logarithms of negative quantities; another integral from book Transcription, 122v-121r, 121v-122r Folios 144–145, 28 Aug 1841 Various problems involving integrals, apparently in a dynamical context Transcription, 145v-144r, 144v-145r Folios 46–47, 4 Sept 1841 Misapprehensions over meaning of differentials Transcription, 47v-46r, 46v-47r, vertical text on 46r Folios 123–125, 9 Sept 1841 Asks whether she should be able to prove a certain formula, or whether she is overreaching herself; questions the point of complicated method in the book; determination of maxima and minima; nature of logarithms and differential coefficients; accelerated force Transcription, 124v-123r, 123v-124r, 125r, 125v Folios 127–129, 19 Sept 1841 Cubic equations; complex numbers; asks whether there can be a three-dimensional analogue; asks about Monge’s descriptive geometry Transcription, 127r, 127v, 128r, 128v-129r Folios 130–131, 27 Oct 1841 Will be coming to town for a few days from next Tuesday (without her mother’s knowledge); hopes to see Mr. and Mrs. De Morgan at some point Transcription, 130r, 130v-131r Folios 132–133, 4 Nov 1841 Manipulation of differentials; calculus involving trigonometric expressions; differential equations? Transcription, 133v-132r, 132v-133r Folios 134–135, 8 Nov 1841 Continuation of the last letter; logarithms; queries notation for (and notion of) the inverse of a function Transcription, 135v-134r, 134v-135r Folio 136, 10 Nov 1841 Continuation of the last letter; logarithms; queries notation for (and notion of) the inverse of a function Transcription, 136r, 136v Folios 138–139, 11 Nov 1841 Journey to town has been unexpectedly delayed Transcription, 138r, 138v-139r Folios 140–141, Nov 1841 Revised plan for being in town; mention of an integral that has appeared in previous letters Transcription, 140r, 140v-141r Folios 142–143, 21 Nov 1841 Arrangements for meeting; assorted problems involving expressions for/operations on functions Transcription, 142r, 142v-143r Folios 154–155, 14 Jan 1842 Arrangements for meeting; has been amusing self with book named in next note Transcription, 154r, 154v-155r Folios 157-158, 1848 Promises to send ADM an unspecified paper which is about to be published Transcription, 157r, 157v-158r | Folios 1-2, 1840 Advises on readings on acoustics; clarifies the nature of zero; notes foundation of society for publication of scientific manuscripts and suggests that AAL should join Transcription, 1r, 1v-2r Folios 3–4, 1 Aug 1840 Comments that AAL has understood the problem of the stone (?); explains the notion of a variable and its passing to a limit; defines coordinates; again promotes manuscript publishing society Transcription, 3r, 3v-4r Folios 5–6, Aug 1840 Going to see Frend as his health is not good, so may not be able to see AAL; reminds AAL that she is not supposed to know about differentiation for the material at hand (CH: she has been skipping ahead?); defines, and suggests reading in connection with, logarithms Transcription, 5r, 5v-6r Folios 7–8, 17 Aug 1840 Clarifies theorem involving inequalities and fractions; discusses right-angled triangles and defines tangent; discusses nature of differential and integral calculus, with historical comments; recommends further reading in differential calculus, but warns that it will also require extra reading in algebra and trigonometry (which he recommends) – “mechanical expertness in the differential calculus is of the utmost consequence”; W. Frend is better; Lord Lovelace’s name added to list of members (presumably of historical manuscript society) Transcription, 7r-7v, 8r-8v Folios 9–10, Aug/Sept 1840 Responds to enquiry about book (?): directs AAL to ‘Algebra’ or ‘Trigonometry’, rather than ‘Study of Mathematics’; advises that continuity must be studied well Transcription, 9r, 9v-10r Folios 12-13, Aug/Sept 1840 Discussion of equations and curves; gives example of finding the equation of a curve passing through given points; thanks AAL for partridge Transcription, 12r, 12v Folios 14–15, 15 Sept 1840 Comments on Nicolas Occam and similarity to AAL’s son’s title – asks whether Lord Lovelace has any Occam manuscripts; general advice on making progress in mathematical study; distinction between quantity and form; explains the equation of a curve; W. Frend neither better nor worse Transcription, 14r, 14v-15r, 15v Folios 16-17, 27 Sept 1840 Recommends continuing with incommensurables, and notes that progress in differential calculus may have to be paused from time to time to fil in gaps in algebra and trigonometry; notes on limits and meaning of differentials; AAL should try some examples of differentiation from Peacock’s book; should also read Proportion in Penny Cyclopaedia when it comes out Transcription, 16r, 16v Folios 18–19, 15 Oct 1840 Muses on differing national notions of of guilt and innocence; explanations on convergence of functions; algebraic truth vs. arithmetical truth of expressions Transcription, 18r, 18v-19r, 19v Folios 20–22, 14 Nov 1840 Points out sign error; handling differentials; combinations; validity of integer formulae for fractions also; value vs. form Transcription, 20r, 20v-21r, 21v, 22r Folios 24–26, Nov 1840 Comments on writing of d; formulae true for whole numbers and for fractions Transcription, 24r, 24v, 25v, 26r Folios 27-28, Nov/Dec 1840 Clarifies problem concerning solution of equation; believes that AAL has got everything out of the chapter on functions that she ought to have done Transcription, 27r, 27v Folios 29-30, Nov/Dec 1840 On the meaning of the ratio θ/sin θ Transcription, 29r, 29v Folios 31–32, Dec 1840 Correct form of terms in series; convergence of series Transcription, 31r, 31v-32r Folios 33–34, Jan 1841 Returns papers on series; responds to some comments on limits and continuity – AAL must wait until she has studied discontinuous functions; notes AAL’s circular reasoning in a derivation of a binomial coefficient (assumes binomial theorem); thanks for pheasants and hare Transcription, 33r, 33v-34r Folios 35–36, Jan 1841 Points out that if it is necessary for x to diminish without limit in order to prove a conclusion, it is not necessarily the case that that conclusion holds only for small x or x=0; illustrates this with an example; politely declines invitation to Ockham, as he is too busy with lectures Transcription, 35r, 35v, 36v Folio 37, 6 Feb 1841 Comments on bounds that may be placed on a particular fraction using those on ithe various terms making it up; comments on proof of Taylor’s Theorem; it is not necessary for a beginner to know what use differential coefficients are Transcription, 37r, 37v Folios 38–39, 11 Feb 1841 Just because a theorem is true for continuous functions, this does not mean that it is false for discontinuous ones; discontinuous functions are excluded for the time being because they have no language to describe them – AAL will have enough of them when she comes to study the theory of heat; acknowledges a letter from AAL to Mrs DM Transcription, 38r, 38v-39r Folios 42–43, 22 Feb 1841 Discussion of logarithms; more functions – justification of the fact that a particular function depends on certain variables; (finite?) differences; advises AAL to leave discontinuous functions alone for the time being Transcription, 42r, 42v-43r Folios 40–41, 24 Feb 1841 Notes misprint in book; asks AAL to call one night other than Sunday, as Mrs DM will be at her mother’s then (the day after Frend’s funeral) Transcription, 40r, 40v-41r, 42v |
Notes and Exercises | About this document |
Folio 168-170 Explanations relating to differential equations 168r, 168v, 169r, 169v, 170r, 170v, Transcription Folios 171-172 Scrap featuring trigonometric calculations involving surds; handwriting uncertain; 172v: manipulation of trig identities (possibly connected with trig identities in letters to/from Mary Somerville: Box 174 fols. 29–34) Folio 174, Sept 1841 Chain rule 174, Transcription Folio 175 Definition of complete derivative and instructions for reading 175, Transcription Folios 176-177 176r: scribbling; 176v–177r: Königsberg bridges; 177v: more trig, much like 172v (both hands) 176, 177, Transcription Folio 178 Calculus- and exponential function-related jottings 178, Transcription Folio 179 Appears to be applying L’Hôpital’s rule to the generating function for the Bernoulli numbers 179, Transcription | Copyright. All Ada Lovelace manuscript images on the Clay Mathematics Institute website are © 2015 The Lovelace Byron Papers, reproduced by permission of Pollinger Limited. To re-use them in any form, please apply to The LaTeX transcripts of the letters were made by Christopher Hollings ( All notes and transcriptions of material from The Lovelace Byron Papers are © 2015 Christopher Hollings. Their re-use in any form requires his permission, and is subject to the rights reserved to the owner of The Lovelace Byron Papers. |