Hannah Larson
Category: Research Fellows
Affiliation: University of California, Berkeley
Hannah Larson will obtain her PhD in 2022 from Stanford University, where she has been advised by Ravi Vakil.
Displaying remarkable ingenuity, Larson has applied the modern techniques of degeneration and intersection theory to make significant advances in one of the classical areas of algebraic geometry – the geometry of complex curves and their moduli. Her papers bristle with surprising new ideas that attack classical problems. For example, searching for new perspectives on the space of vector bundles on the Riemann sphere, she proved striking results about the moduli space of curves and about stabilization forbranched covers of the sphere (with Canning), and extended Brill-Noether theory (which governs maps of general curves to projective space) to explain seemingly chaotic behaviour in the case of low-gonality curves (with E. Larson and Vogt).
Hannah was appointed as a Clay Research Fellow for a term of five years beginning 1 July 2022.