Professor Mikhail Kapranov has been appointed as a Clay Senior Scholar from January to May 2024 to participate in Noncommutative Algebraic Geometry at the Simons Laufer Mathematical Research Institute.
Professor Bernd Ulrich has been appointed as a Clay Senior Scholar from January to May 2024 to participate in Commutative Algebra at the Simons Laufer Mathematical Research Institute.
Professor Jean-Marc Delort has been appointed as a Clay Senior Scholar from January to May 2021 to participante in Mathematical Problems in Fluid Dynamcs at MSRI.
Professor François Loeser has been appointed as a Clay Senior Scholar from August to December 2020 to participate in Decidability, Definability and Computability in Number Theory at MSRI.
Professor Joseph Landsberg has been appointed as a Clay Senior Scholar from March to June 2021 to participate in Tensor Methods and Emerging Applications to the Physical and Data Sciences at IPAM.
Professor Herbert Spohn has been appointed as a Clay Senior Scholar from August to December 2021 to participate in Universality and Integrability in Random Matrix Theory and Interacting Particle Systems at MSRI.
Professor Alice Guionnet has been appointed as a Clay Senior Scholar from August to December 2021 to participate in Universality and Integrability in Random Matrix Theory and Interacting Particle Systems at MSRI.
Professor Peter Teichner has been appointed as a Clay Senior Scholar from January to May 2020 to participate in Higher Categories and Categorification at MSRI.
Mike Hopkins was appointed as a Clay Senior Scholar from June 30 to July 20, 2019 to participate in Quantum Field Theory and Manifold Invariants at PCMI.
Professor Anna Wienhard was appointed as a Clay Senior Scholar from August to December 2019 to participate in Holomorphic Differentials in Mathematics and Physics at MSRI.
Greg Moore was appointed as a Clay Senior Scholar from June 30 to July 20, 2019 to participate in Quantum Field Theory and Manifold Invariants at PCMI.