Francisco Santos has been appointed as a Clay Senior Scholar from August to December 2017 to participate in Geometric and Topological Combinatorics at MSRI.
Emmanuel Breuillard has been appointed as a Clay Senior Scholar from January to June 2017 to participate in Non-Positive Curvature Group Actions and Cohomology at the Isaac Newton Institute.
Pham Huu Tiep has been appointed as a Clay Senior Scholar from October 1 to December 15, 2016 to participate in Local Representation Theory and Simple Groups at EPFL.
Nader Masmoudi was appointed as a Clay Senior Scholar from August to December, 2014, to take part in the Thematic Program on Variational Problems in Physics, Economics, and Geometry at the Fields Institute.
Vladimir Voevodsky was appointed as a Clay Senior Scholar from September to December, 2014, to take part in Homotopy Type Theory and its Applications at the University of Oxford.